The Laboratory for the Analysis of Organization Communication Systems (UCLouvain) and the Communication and Media Research Center (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles) are organizing an international scientific symposium, "Participation in a world of communication", on the campus of UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Brussels on 12th & 13th September 2019. A pre-conference phase consisting of doctoral workshops will take place on September 11, 2019.
The conference is supported by the FNRS and the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles.
In order to favor the multicultural exchanges, the official languages of the conference are English and French.
Conference venue
The conference will take place on the campus of UCLouvain University Saint-Louis Brussels, Boulevard Botanical Garden, 43 to 1000 Brussels, local 3200 and 3300. See the access map to the building in the tab on the left.
The four thematic axes
Participation & politics
Design and appropriation
Participation & media
Participation & organization
Participation & health
The keynote speakers
Nico Carpentier, Charles University (and VU Brussels and Uppsala University)
Nico Carpentier is Docent at Charles University in Prague; he also holds part-time positions at Uppsala University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB - Free University of Brussels). Moreover, he is a Research Fellow at the Cyprus University of Technology and Loughborough University. Earlier, he was ECREA Treasurer (2005-2012) and Vice-President (2008-2012), and IAMCR Treasurer (2012-2016). Currently, he is Chair of the Participatory Communication Research Section at IAMCR. His latest books are The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation (2017, Peter Lang, New York); Cyprus and its Conflicts. Representations, Materialities, and Cultures (2018, co-edited), Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change (2018, co-edited), Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy (2019, edited), and Communication and Discourse Theory (2019, co-edited).
Joëlle Zask, University of Provence
Joëlle Zask is a French philosopher, specialist in political philosophy and pragmatism, lecturer HDR at the University of Provence. She has published several books that question the democratic forms of participation. She also works on the political issues of contemporary artistic practices as well as on issues related to the ecological crisis (Last book published: Quand la forêt brûle. Penser la nouvelle catastrophe écologique, Paris, Premier parallèle, 2019). Specialist in political philosophy, Joëlle Zask has translated and introduced in France the works of John Dewey.
Publication after the conference
After selection by the scientific committee of the conference, papers may be proposed for publication in a collective work in English (Routlege editions) and in a thematic issue of a referenced scientific journal.
Registration for the conference is via the tab on the left.
Contacts for any information
Damien Renard:
Sandrine Roginsky: